The new Net Preamble, Sitrep form, and Sitrep Logging form have been uploaded, and should be downloadable from links on the Documents page of this website.
We have a new weekly net preamble which we will be using for a
single net on 145.370 at 1900 hrs. There will not be two separate nets
in other words. Read the preamble carefully and you will see will be
doing a sitrep every week and so you are familiar with how it it will go.
In sum, we will use a new version of the preamble to take us into the
sitrep. Thus you will report your call, first name and color status
when we do the regular net process by call sign sufix. After everyone
has checked in net control will go back and call stations according to
color status (black first).
Further, there is a revised Radio Operator Sitrep form and Net
logging form. You should for now consider printing these and keeping
them near your radio for the upcoming Tuesday net